
First off, random stranger, I welcome you to this webpage of mine! My name is Simon Moreno and I am a college student who will be using this mode of communication to get my ideas out to the world. Mostly, this webpage will be used for whatever assignments and works I get done for my English 1101 class, so if you’re the type of person who enjoys seeing improvement first-hand, this may very well be a blog you will enjoy! I can only hope you will find the content interesting to some degree.

So you have some background knowledge on who it is you’re reading about, I guess I’ll share some things about myself. I consider myself a very relaxed and calm person who rarely gets stressed or worried about things. I believe positive energy is a universal truth, and that staying mobile is the best way to get things done. I have traveled a decent amount (at least I’d think so), and as such recognize that different points of view are not only always present, but are also always important. I also happen to be the laziest person I know, although I promise I am attempting to change that as I grow.

Who am I?

Simon Moreno

Freshman at Georgia Institute of Technology

Interests: Sports, development of CS skills

Skills: Python, some Java, HTML/ CSS

In campus, I am involved with GT-SHPE and attend a couple of the CS clubs.

Mission: To acquire an internship short-term, and to graduate long-term.